Israel and Leslie Bailey

Reaching the lost and broken with the love of Christ through family and friendship..


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Our Hearts


For about 3-4 years we have prayed and considered attending a YWAM DTS(Discipleship Training School) as a family and serving with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) as missionaries. Well God has opened this door for us as we have sought Him and prepared financially by getting out of debt. Last summer(2016) we were made completely debt free!  This allowed us the freedom to move about as a family, although this requires us to give up many of the comforts of normal, every day life. We sold our home and lived the rest of the year in a motorhome and with family. Our hearts yearn for the chance to take our children and show them the many roads traveled and peoples who have grown differently than they. Culture, language, family, the food, these will all be on this journey as we bring Jesus with us to a lost and dying world. Bringing hope and joy is our passion wherever God takes us. Please join us in anyway you can! Prayer is always key to missions! We need your prayers! We also need your financial support! We trust God to provide and send us out by the Holy Spirit.

Our Passions

We love serving God in missions. There are so many passions involved in that! Missions has a vast sea of opportunity! We love new places, new people, new culture and food and all the exciting things that come along with that. It is our greatest passion to love people like Jesus, to sit with them, listen to their stories and eat whatever they may have prepared for us. In which, in most cases, it is the best of what they can give back to us. We are humbled and blessed by the people that receive us. We also love youth and children and ministry to them. All ages matter indeed! But we are especially drawn to the young impressionable kids that we see. We love showing them the window into God's love for them and their friends and families. Showing movies has been a passion as well. We are currently growing a collection of the Superbook chldren's shows and whatever great godly movies that will go into Spanish, like the Son of God movie. Our ministy movie equipment can be battery powered and taken into homes and places without electricity! What a tool we have to help us advance God's kingdom!

Our past ministry has been primarily in Mexico, but God has expanded our territory! We have been to Haifa, Israel and have done ministry in Berlin, Germany as our YWAM outreach brought us there! We worked with the refugee camps, making friends and loving the people who have gone through some rough times being forced to leave their war-torn homes.

Now, Israel is finishing a school of strategic missions with YWAM in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This has prepared him to train others in the training department of YWAM and also be more prepared to take our family overseas and work with the refugee crisis..
Our next destination..GREECE! Please pray for us as we prepare for this big trip, coming fall 2018!